RISCOSS Convention 2014

Nov 05 2014

The second RISCOSS Convention will be held at Orange Labs, Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France, on November, 5. RISCOSS 2014 is the meeting of all those involved in the RISCOSS project and interested in risk management and project metering in open source software.

Who should attend

- Project leaders

- Systems integrators

- Application architects

- Open source governance specialist


- Opening address: Xavier Franch, UPC, RISCOSS Project Coordinator

- Invited talk: U-QUASAR

- RISCOSS Platform Demonstrations (Basic and Advanced), Fabio Mancinelli, XWiki

- RISCOSS framework/solution for specific Use Cases: CENATIC, TEI, OW2

- Risk models development tutorial, Ron S. Kenett, KPA

- Open discussion