
Three RISCOSS Platforms in summary

In the RISCOSS project, academic partners developed a core knowledge and use-case partners implemented it in their own ways.
Three broad usages of the methodology are developped now. The first one is a demonstrator; aiming at building awareness. It is associated to a simple implementation of the methodology.
The second one concerns the consumers, those who want to assess a software they want to use. It concerns the producers, those who want the software they are developing by integrating open source components. The main difference is that consumers evaluate just one software while producers evaluate combinations of components. 

The table below summarizes the main differences. 

Business ModelsPublicCommunityCorporate
Application NameGitHubAnalyzerRISCOSS Community PlatformRISCOSS Corporate Platform 
Deployment InfrastructureOW2OW2On-Premises
Platform DevelopmentXWikiOW2FBK/UPC
Platform TechnologyXWiki + JavaXWiki + JavascriptJava
Data SourcesGitHub Repository
  • Community Infra 
  • OW2 SQuAT Tools
Data Collectors4 (extensible)Customized
Data Points1726Customized
Project LeadersUntrainedTrainedTrained
Usage Mode100% Online
  • Online for Users
  • Service for Project leaders
  • SaaS plus Consulting 
  • In-House
Risks Categories
  • Obsolescence
  • Bugs
  • Analyzability
  • Maintenance
  • License
  • Quality
  • Activeness
What-If AnalysisNoFor project leadersYes
ObjectiveRISCOSS demonstration (give an idea of what RISCOSS can do)Project Analysis (provide a synthetic  opinion on projects to potential users)Product Development (help develop new products by assembling components)