RISCOSS Public Deliverables
Ecosystem Modelling and Analysis (WP 1)
Platform requirements (D1.5 - D2.5) -
This deliverable contains the platform requirements at month 12 (first year). Requirements evolve and need to be maintained, this deliverable represents the evolution of requirements of D2.1 and D4.2. It has especial focused on requirements related to the implementation of the models and techniques defined in WP1 and WP2 at month 12. This includes both functional and non-functional requirements (quality requirements and constraints).
RISCOSS Modelling support (consolidated version, D1.3) -
This deliverable presents the work done on:
- The RISCOSS ontologies and its corresponding building approach
- The modelling languages for representing and analysing the diverse risk implications over the OSS based ecosystems.
- The set of OSS Adoption strategies models for characterizing the relation between the organizations adopting OSS and the OSS Community.
- The methodology for modelling and reasoning about OSS ecosystems.
- QuESo: a Quality Model for OSS ecosystems.
This deliverable is upgrading the initial (D1.1 -
) and intermediate version (D1.2 - )Open Source Software Risk Management (WP 2)
Final Description for Risk Management Techniques (D2.3) -
This deliverable reports on the concepts characterizing the activities of risk identification, analy- sis, and mitigation in the OSS adoption phase, and on the techniques for risks assessment we exploit for supporting these activities.
The document, in continuity with the arguments presented in deliverable D2.2, presents a language for risk representation suitable to be integrated into a goal-oriented modelling approach in order to describe the impact of risks in the considered OSS adopting organisation. Moreover, it presents statistical analysis techniques, such as Bayesian Networks, logic-based techniques, such as disjunctive logic and satisfiability modulo theory, and search-based techniques based on evolutionary algorithms to reason about the models. A major part of these techniques have already been implemented in the current system prototype, to test the feasibility of their use in a real context.
A final discussion points out the state of the investigation after the second year, some domain requirements and limitations on the use of the techniques, and the future work on the adaptation of the modelling language and techniques based on the feedback obtained by their actual use on the field in the pilot cases.
This deliverable is upgrading the State of the art and initial requirements (D2.1 -
) and Intermediate proposal for risk management techniques (D2.2 - )OSS Business Models Risks Assessment and Mitigation (WP 3)
Draft Business Model Risk Requirements Report (D3.1) -
This deliverable provides an overview of the discussion about OSS business models, OSS business ecosystems, OSS business strategies, and how OSS-specific business risks can be identified. Key outcomes of this deliverable are a generic (thus not OSS-specific) ontological concept of business models that allows to identify and allocate business risks to specified areas and components of any business model regardless of company size or sector, a categorization of 7 OSS-specific business strategies, a working definition of OSS business risks that is related to the underlying concept of the business model and to OSS business strategies, and the overall methodological approach of WP3, including a draft OSS business risk assessment matrix.
Architecture and Integration (WP 4)
Consolidated version of the RISCOSS platform (D4.5) -
This document contains a description of the consolidated version of the RISCOSS Platform as it has been developed at month 24.
Proof-of-concept of the RISCOSS platform (D4.3) -
The motivation if this deliverable is to provide an implemented Proof of Concept (PoC) of the RISCOSS platform. The objective is to check the viability of the platform architecture, and to provide an initial implementation of a framework that will allow the integration of the tools that will support these techniques.
Specification and design of the RISCOSS platform(D4.2)
This document is the first deliverable of the work that will be carried on in the WP4 -Architecture and Integration workpackage.
WP4 concentrates on the development of a web-based platform that will feed users with a knowledge base containing contextual data and information about OSS. This information will contain the needed elements for applying the methods and techniques defined in the scientific work packages (WP1, WP2, WP3) with the ultimate goal of assessing the risk of using OSS components in a given IT environment. The aim of the platform is to provide a convenient way for organizing and access a knowledge base that can be used either as a public resource or internally by a company.
State-of-the-art (D4.1) - Latest Version 2.30
In this deliverable we present the state of the art on existing techniques and tools applicable to the RISCOSS platform. In the first stage our focus was on the analysis of previous EU - funded projects (prior to call 8). In the second stage our focus is to update the analysis with new EU-funded projects (call 8 and after). Finally, the third stage is the analysis of the state of the practice (existing tools and techniques related to RISCOSS beyond EU-founded projects), for this last stage we consider open and privative source software.
Evaluation and validation of RISCOSS results through Use Cases (WP 5)
Description of the state of the pilot cases at month 24 (D5.4) -
The purpose of this deliverable is to provide a high level description of the use case scenarios chosen for implementation in the pilots, as of the stage of development at month 24 of the project in the Work Package 5 and to report about the results from the pilots launched. Each pilot is described through its set of RISCOSS functionalities to test, heterogeneity of the organizational problems, indications of the specific impacted RISCOSS platform architectural parts and the roles of the organizational actors involved together with their responsibilities with respect to the handling of information processed during the conduct of the pilots. The pilot cases will support the definition of precise requirements as to drive, appropriately, RISCOSS design decisions in other work packages that will provide the necessary software support and expertise to the pilots.
Full description of the requirements and pilot cases (D5.2) -
This document proposes a set of requirements as a result of a detailed requirement analysis that involved use case domain experts. The proposed requirements will then serve as guidelines for the design and development of technology geared towards specific Work Packages (WP1-4), the design of the user interface for the prototype system developed in WP4 and the successive fine-tuning RISCOSS systems. In parallel to capturing and analysing the needs of private and public sectors and OSS communities, it was considered equally important to analyse the current practices of these future “clients” of the RISCOSS platform. So the intentional models for the involved partners are presented in the document. Finally the document describes the scenarios,based on the use case needs, that will be usedto evaluate the Proof of Concept of RISCOSS.
Description of use cases, services and technical solutions (D5.1) -
The Deliverable reports first outcomes from the iterative process of understanding potential impacts of proposed project activities on the affected project partners across public, private and OSS community sectors. In particular results from the assessment of partner’s current deployed practices in the domain of OSS risks and costs management are disseminated here. This will be helpful to identify the impact of RISCOSS project, to assess the consequences of the proposed actions ensuring that the future improvement programs and policies are viable and sustainable in the related domains. As additional results of this WP5, draft guidelines were endorsed for incorporating open source related issues into this “as is” assessment, and for start disseminating current experiences in this field across different domains: private, public and OSS community. Hence the assessment model and the related methodology are part of this deliverable.
Project Management (WP6)
Project Evolution Metrics (D6.2) - Latest Version
and Old versionThis deliverable provides the definition and evaluation of the metrics that will guide the evaluation of the RISCOSS project evolution over time. In the future stages of the projects, the deliverable will be updated with the measures of the metrics.
Communication, Dissemination and exploitation (WP 7)
Exploitation Plan (D7.4) -
This document discusses the approach taken, describes the market around the key innovations and charts progress and plans towards exploitation. It contains a definition of the end-product, a preliminary view on the market position and the project’s positioning, SWOT analysis and a preliminary exploitation strategy (both common and by partner) with different marketing possibilities. Subsequent versions will analyse and decide upon the currently open options and will include e.g. studies on return on investment (ROI), business and license models, etc.
Dissemination Materials (D7.3) -
This deliverable presents the Dissemination materials used by the consortium partners to present the project during scientific and industrial events.
Dissemination Report (D7.1.1) -
Using diverse dissemination vectors, RISCOSS Project members are able to choose the right and convenient tools for each of the target groups, enabling to increase RISCOSS visibility and awareness among European IT professionals, communities and associations. This report presents web statistics regarding the Internet audience and online traffics, in Section 5. Then, scientific dissemination is detailed in Section 6 and Annex.