Discover RISCOSS live at OSCON

Jul 09 2015

RISCOSS is at OSCON 2015 from July 21-24, in Portland OR.. 

Visit the OW2 booth at OSCON for full demonstration of the RISCOSS platform.  Even better, attendees are able to connect by themselves and use RISCOSS to analyse the projects of their choice.

Two live demonstrations are regularly performed: 

- RISCOSS GitHubAnalyser: This demonstration shows what RISCOSS has to say about any project on GitHub. This instance of the RISCOSS platform is freely accessible to all attendees. During the guided demnstrations, attendees can request RISCOSS to analyse the GitHub project of their choice or go online by themselves. TheQR code on display at the booth enable them to instantly access RISCOSS from their smartphones.

- RISCOSS Community: This demonstration shows the full spectrum of RISCOSS functionalities, including: how to manage users, how to create new project, how to retrieve data, how to create new risk models, how to create risk configurations and how to run project analysis.  This version is made accessible to project leaders and sysadmins.